

Welcome to Wild Wadhurst, a website for people interested in the wildlife and wildflowers of Wadhurst, East Sussex. We are very lucky to live in a town that is surrounded by countryside that is abundant with all sorts of birds, insects, mammals, flowers and fungi. The aim of this site is to give you information on what’s around and where to see it, as well as perhaps improve your knowledge of the wild things around us and give ideas on what you could do to help.

Sign up to receive our email newsletter – email wildwadhurst@mail.com with ‘mailing list’ in the subject.

Why not join in our Community Nature Reserve aim – read about it here.

Here are some of the most recent photos from our Facebook page.

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Dark Skies Community Project

Are you tired of looking up at the night sky only to be disappointed by the skyglow of light pollution and the orange haze from Tunbridge Wells? Well, fear not, my fellow stargazers, for there is hope on the horizon – or rather, in the night sky! A group of ambitious individuals have embarked on a mission to make our beloved Wadhurst a Dark Sky Community, and we need your help!

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